Monday, June 27, 2011

From Paper to Internet

The article introduces the concept of moving from a paper prototype to web-based instruction. Servers, browsers, and other basic information is explained to first-time users. Individuals have a two main options for creating web-based instruction, since the Internet was not developed to provide feedback.
Designers can:
  • Create a player/plug-in (or buy one)
  • Include scripts in HTML
    • JavaScript
    • Java
    • Perl
    • PHP
Another consideration that Designers must keep in mind, is whether the instruction will be purely between the Learner-computer or if the computer will merely be a mediator between Learner-instructor. The chapter continues to outline the different formats for delivering information to students. The sharing of basic files (through email, course delivery tools, home-brewed delivery), sharing of hyperlinks (website), instructor-learner interactions (discussion boards, chat), or learner-computer interactions (online tests or quizzes).

Creation of templates and rapid prototyping are discussed. Frick & Boling break down usability testing:
  • Find (new) authentic subjects
  • Determine authentic tasks
  • Consider authentic conditions
  • Create a test plan and hold a pilot session
  • Conduct the session
  • Analyze the results
  • Decide if another round of usability testing is needed
The majority of the information presented in chapter 5 & 6, was information that I was already aware of. Some of the issues presented, such as deciding what kind of interactions the designer intends, are important to define. However, I feel that most individuals reading this book should be aware of all of the concepts presented at the beginning of the chapter. The process of usability testing is always helpful to have laid out in a nuts and bolts kind of way.


Frick & Boling (2002). Effective Web Instruction (Chapters 5 & 6)

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