Thursday, December 15, 2011

Blogger Pages Vanished!

I have had a slightly frustrating couple of days fighting Blogger's updated and classic interfaces. (Warning: make sure you are ready to switch to Blogger's updated interface before you do, because switching back can be a major hassle!!) I am preparing a workshop over Blogger for a Winter Term course. Since there is a push to the new interface, I wanted to be able to demonstrate the differences between the interfaces during the workshop. This way the students would not be caught off guard if Blogger switches permanently.

In retrospect, I should have known this would be more of a hassle than I first anticipated. I have a personal Google account as well as an Educational Google account, so I assumed having one account on Blogger's new interface and another on the classic would not be a problem. However, I recently linked my personal account with my Google+ profile. Of course I had previously decided that I would be using my personal account during the workshop, since I would be able to walk through the entire process with them (accepting the blog invite, the steps required for setting up a Blogger account). When I attempted to revert to the old interface on my personal account, I was informed that since my Google+ account was linked, reverting was impossible. Long story short, I reverted my Work Google account to the traditional look. However, when I went into the demo website's editing layout and attempted to add pages, it was unavailable. (Ensue major headaches and scrambling)

I knew that the issue had to be related to the Classic interface playing nicely with the New interface, so I finally decided to switch both accounts to the new interface to find the problem.

Here is what happens....

Once you switch to Blogger's updated interface, there is a drop-down menu associated with the post list icon on the dashboard.

1. I selected pages from this list.

2. Which redirected me to the pages options page...
3. Under Show pages as, Don't show is the default setting.

Once I switched to the old interface, these options remained saved for my blog. When I went to the design tab and attempted to add the pages gadget, Blogger informed me that the gadget had already been added. But my pages gadget was nowhere to be found!! (Gasp! Ensue more head scratching)

Word to the wise... to avoid loosing the ability to access the pages gadget, make sure to pick the correct Show pages as option in the new interface before switching back to the classic interface.

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